1. Title
The club shall be called Aberdeen F.C. Ladies (henceforth referred to as the club) and shall be affiliated to Aberdeen Football Club.
Registered Colours: As per the Scottish Women’s FA Registration requirements but to be in line with Aberdeen Football Club registered colours where possible. All team colours to be approved by the Executive Committee.
2. Object
2.1 The object of the Club shall be
to promote the enjoyment of football for members in an environment that fosters fair play and participation for all, irrespective of gender, race, colour or religion and shall encourage co-operation, respect for others, loyalty, acceptance of rules and decisions, personal responsibility, self discipline and the need for team work and to develop the sport by:
(a) welcoming new members and encouraging participation in all the activities of the club.
(b) providing equal opportunities for successful participation by all sections of the community.
(c) assisting members to improve their sporting skills and in their personal development.
(d) providing members with suitable competition at the appropriate age level & standard.
(e) working closely with other agencies & organisations including schools & businesses.
(f) promoting physical activity and a healthy lifestyle to all members.
3. Affiliation
3.1 The Executive Committee shall affiliate the Club to whichever recognised footballing body it deems
appropriate at the time to achieve the highest possible grade of football for the club. The executive Committee
shall appoint a representative to attend all meetings of said body. The said representative shall carry out the
instructions of the Executive Committee and shall keep it informed of the business transacted at all meetings.
3.2 The Club may also be affiliated to other bodies with aims which are consistent with the object of the Club.
4. Membership
4.1 All members are subject to the Constitution of the Club.
4.2 Membership will be subject to the approval of an application by the Executive Committee.
4.3 Members shall be enrolled in one of the following categories:
Junior (primary school age), Youth (secondary school age), Coaches, Volunteers, Adult, Honorary.
4.4 Subscription fees for each category of membership shall be determined at the Annual General Meeting.
5. Management
5.1 The affairs of the club shall be conducted by an Executive Committee which shall consist of the following officials, Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer (hereinafter referred to as ‘Office Bearers’) plus a minimum of five members.
5.2 The Annual General Meeting may also elect the following additional Officers: Membership Secretary, Football Development Officer, Coach Co-ordinator, Club Development Officer and Player Welfare Officer.
The Executive Committee shall have the power to appoint a 1st Team Head Coach, who may be a member of the Executive Committee. Dismissal of any such Head Coach can only be by two-thirds vote of the Executive Committee.
5.3 All Officers of the Club shall resign every two years. All Officers may then stand for re-election at the Annual General Meeting. The Chairperson may not be re-elected for more than four years in a row.
5.4 The Chairperson (or a delegated representative) will conduct business according to the Constitution of the Club, including the running of committee meetings and shall liase with the media on all matters relating to the Club. They will also represent the Club as and when required.
5.5 The Vice Chairperson (if elected) will act on behalf of the Chairperson in their absence and work in partnership with the Chairperson to co-ordinate the operation of the club according to the Constitution and assist in the formation, updating and implementation of the Club Development Plan.
5.6 The Club Development Officer shall be responsible for fund raising activities in liaison with the Treasurer.
5.7 The Secretary shall prepare agendas and record the proceedings of all Committee meetings, deal with all correspondence and co-ordinate entries for all Club and external competitions.
5.8 Club Development Officerwill keep a register of all members, co-ordinate a programme of social events and be responsible for all matters relating to the facilities of the Club and member welfare.
5.9 When the positions of Vice Chairperson and/or Membership Secretary are not filled at an Annual General Meeting the roles of the Vice Chairperson and/or Membership Secretary shall be shared by other Officers of the Club as necessary.
5.10 The affairs of the Club shall be conducted by the Committee, which shall consist of the Officers of the Club plus up to three other members elected at the Annual General Meeting.
5.11 The Committee shall be current ‘paid up’ members of the Club and shall have the power to:
conduct its business and by resolution determine and regulate its own procedure.
co-opt additional members in an advisory capacity and appoint such sub-committees and assistants to the Officers as it deems necessary.
fill vacancies arising during its term in office.
5.12 The Committee shall not have the power to vote on any matter unless there is a quorum of Committee members present, excluding the Chair and Vice Chair. Each Committee member has only ONE vote
6. Finance
6.1 The financial year shall run from January to December each year.
6.2 Monies shall be lodged in a bank or building society account in the name of the Club.
6.3 The Treasurer shall be responsible for the preparation of the annual accounts of the Club and a report for the Annual General Meeting.
6.4 The Executive Committee shall have the power to authorise expenditure on behalf of the Club.
6.5 The annual statement of accounts shall be audited by an independent person elected annually by the Annual General Meeting.
6.6 All cheques drawn against the Club’s funds shall be signed by any two from three nominated Officers.
7. General Meeting
The Club shall hold an Annual General Meeting, normally in the month of January, to:
approve the minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting.
receive reports as reflects the workings of the Club during the preceding year.
receive the Treasurer’s report and approve the audited annual accounts.
elect Officers and members of the Executive Committee for the following year.
set subscription fees for the following year.
consider changes to the Constitution.
appoint auditor(s) for the Club’s accounts.
deal with any other relevant business.
agree nominated officers for the signing of cheques on behalf of the club – 3No
7.2 An Extraordinary General Meeting may be called by:
the Committee by the decision of a simple majority of its members.
a written application to the Secretary, stating the business to be discussed, from at least 20% of the members of the Club.